Challenge #04157-K139: Gifts of Justice

I'm not afraid of getting hurt, but I admit, I'm also well aware I'm not strong. Nevertheless, I refuse to stand here and do nothing. -- DaniAndShali

Bravery is not the lack of fear. It is being afraid and acting anyway. It is facing down injustice knowing that it could hurt to stand up for the downtrodden.

She was an outcast, eking out an existence on the sketchier side of the village. He was meant to be fetching medicine for his auntie. Someone accused her of stealing a stuffed bun that he'd seen her buy. So he stepped between her and the Watchman and said, "I saw her buy it. Mr Halberston charged her five coppers when they only cost two."

"...teufel tax," she mumbled. "Used to it."

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