Challenge #03911-J259: An Interesting Question

A curious merchant asks Wraithvine and friends as they have joined the merchant caravan to the next town. "I know elves float and meditate instead of actual sleep as we know it, but what of elven infants, do they do the same?" -- Anon Guest

"That is a question I do not often face," said Wraithvine. "Most ask if the world is truly flat for us or whether we can actually drink wine and survive. Ignorant things. So thank you for a question you've clearly been thinking about for some time."

Those around the campfire waited in anticipation, even the Hellkin Bard, Melody, had stopped idly noodling with her lute.

"Elven infants do not meditate. It's not an instinct, it is taught. Parents and guardians guide them from the moment they can understand language, to the age in which it has become automatic to do so. It's a process that tends to finish when an Elf has reached a hundred years of age."

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