Challenge #02143-E314: 'Tis the Season
The Harvest moon fills the sky
A wicked witch goes flying by
Ghosts and goblins..skeletons too.
Moaning and groaning, waiting for you
Black cats prowl the graveyard plots
Witches cook in cauldron pots
Cemetery ghouls roam the ground
Not one unopened grave is found
Tombstones are an eerie sight
Shadows dance in full moon light
The haunted house on the hill
Walk in there and you get a chill
Jack-o-lanterns eyes so bright
Trick or Treaters scream in fright
It’s a time like you’ve never seen
Tonight’s the night of Halloween. -- Anon Guest
[AN: Apologies for the catastrophe(s) that occurred to mess with the timing of this post]
The office of the Ambassador for 1986 had broken out in bats, gourds, candles, and fake cobwebs. The waiting lounge's entertainment screen was apparently running through a playlist that had dredged through every non-offensive, 'spooky', or 'creepy' 2-D non-interactive entertainment that Shayde had caught up with since her incredibly peculiar exile from Earth.
Her desk had a bowl of assorted sugar items on it, all individually wrapped in deference to Station anti-contamination laws. The bowl was a ludicrously fake plastic skull with googly eyes instead of sockets.
Rael took a deep breath. Centred himself. Filched a sugar object in the shape of a spider. "Shayde," he said eventually... "What the actual flakk?"
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