Challenge #00463 - A088: The Death of Gendered Clothing

Found another one

Tom Katt sidled up to the lizard lady at the bar. He thought he could tell by her buxom figure and elegantly-styled dress in Botanic Greens.

“Hey, there, beautiful,” he smoothed. “Can I buy a lovely lady such as yourself a drink? What’s your pleasure?”

The lizard, towering over him by some five inches, glared down at him. “I’m a male,” he iced.

“But… you.. uh…” Tom gestured at his own chest. Miming invisible mammaries.

The lizard sighed and opened his robe to reveal G-cup sized heating pads inside a healthily-fortified brassiere. “Not every species adheres to your own sexual dimorphism, human. And for your education, males have six crest-ridges–” they passed for eyebrows “–not four.”

Tom paid for the gentleman’s time. “Thanks for the information.”

“Thanks for the absence of slurs.”

Tom, as well as many other humans in bars all over the Galactic Alliance, was quickly learning to assume nothing.

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