Challenge #00261: Foiled Again

“Why do we even have that lever?”

It was painted toxic-red. With radioactive-yellow stripes spiraling around the handle. It was labeled, LEAVE OFF OR DIE.

Katie stared at Kev. “Ye ken how Hackmeyer loves tae twiddle, aye?”

“Uh. Whut?”

Honestly. They’d shared classes, lectures and projects for most of the year and he still didn’t understand her.

“Hackmeyer. The Professor.”


“He likes tae mess with the settings.”

“Oh. Oh yeah. You think the sign’s enough to stop him?”

“Aw fook no. That lever’s the first thing ‘e bluidy touches.”

What? Is he trying to kill us?”

Katie swanned past him and lifted the panel. “Na. It’s not even connected tae anythin’. It’s a simple diagnostic, ye ken.”


“Oh aye. If it’s turned on, I know he’s been in here and I can do a quick reset.” Katie grinned. “Think of it as a safety feature.”

And considering the things they were messing with, it was a very important safety feature. He may be behind the ball when it came to grades, but he was starting to recognize that Professor Ernest Hackmeyer did not know as much as he pretended he did.

Most of his filibuster was repeating almost anything little Katie Walker had to say, only making sure he took longer and sounded way more confusing than anything Katie had to say. People listened to Hackmeyer because they were paying to do so. And he spoke a clearer version of English than Katie.

She could see the light dawning in his eyes.

“Oh. Yeah. We need that lever. I like that lever.”

Katie gave him a thumb’s-up, and went back to her work.

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