bussitwideopenuniversity: "If you've been hearing about the "riots" or the #purge or the "Warzone" in Baltimore today, this is important...
“If you’ve been hearing about the “riots” or the #purge or the “Warzone” in Baltimore today, this is important context. h/t Jon Berger Sergio España
“I want to make this as clear as possible:
Step 1: the police created a “credible threat” about some high school students gathering at Mondawmin to start trouble.“
Step 2: the police showed up in force and riot gear before the students got out of school at Mondawmin, which is a major public transit hub, and SHUT DOWN THE TRANSIT, guaranteeing the kids couldn’t leave.
Step 3: the police started macing people and brandishing tasers.
Step 4: the kids understandably responded to being stranded and maced by throwing rocks.
Step 5: the media starts reporting it as “a riot” and “violent protesters.”
This is 100% bought and paid for by the police department. This is absolutely vile.“
- Seth